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Materialien |
2022. The Democracy Game Box includes eight printable analogue games, two of which are also available in a digital version. [»] |
2021. Eine grafische Reise durch die Welt des Internets – von Aufbau bis Zugang [»] |
2021. Materialbeiträge auf |
2019. Let's Play Demokratiebarometer [»] |
2016. Demokratiebausteine [»]
Bücher, Buchbeiträge und mehr |
Welge, Rebecca (2022): Contributing Author of Chapters (Democracy and Games 2; Democracy Game Box 3.4, 3.6), in The Demogames Facilitator's Manual, Democracy and Games – Analog and Digital Game-Based-Learning Tools for Youth Work [»] |
Ruth-Lovell Saskia, Welge Rebecca, Lovell Robert (2019) Teaching Democratic Norms and Values with Analogue Games. In: Peters M., Heraud R. (eds) Encyclopedia of Educational Innovation. Springer, Singapore [»] |
Welge, Rebecca; Ruth, Saskia P.; Lovell, Robert A. (2018). Spielentwicklung als Lehrinstrument. Eine Handreichung mit forschungsbasierten Beispielen zum Thema 'Demokratie'. Abschlusspublikation des Projektes 'Brettspiele in der Lehre - Das Forschungsthema Demokratie als Bildungsspiel', finanziell gefördert im Rahmen des kompetitiven Lehrkredits 2016 der Universität Zürich. |
Welge, Rebecca, Ziegler, Béatrice (2016). Die Rezeption des Beutelsbacher Konsens in der deutschsprachigen Schweiz, in: Benedikt Widmaier; Peter Zorn (Hrsg.) Brauchen wir den Beutelsbacher Konsens?, Schriftenreihe der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Bonn. [»] |
Welge, Rebecca (2011). Making the most out of it? Chances and challenges of EU Citizenship Rights, in P.Cunningham & N. Fretwell (eds.) Europe’s Future: Citizenship in a Changing World. London: CiCe, pp. 356 -366. |
Welge, Rebecca (2011). All Equal, All Different? European Citizenship and Emerging Opportunity Structures for Individuals, in Srdjan Jovanović Maldoran (ed.) Citizenship, Inclusion or Exclusion. A contemporary Survey, Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, pp. 41-49.
Publikationen in Zeitschriften |
Welge, Rebecca (2020): Council of Europe’s Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture (RFCDC) Pilot Project Report, in: Patricia Hladschik; Claudia Lenz (eds.) NECE focus group on ‘Competences for Democratic Culture’. Recommendations and documentation, pp.17-25. [»] |
Welge, Rebecca (2019): Populismus und die Schweizer Demokratie, vpod bildungspolitik 213: 10-12. [»] |
Welge, Rebecca (2019): Kleine Reihe Hochschuldidaktik Politik (Review Buchreihe), Swiss Political Science Review, early view, [»] |
Welge, Rebecca; Ruth-Lovell, Saskia; Lovell, Robert (2018): Using (non-digital) games to teach and learn about Democracy, in: Ramon Martinez; Georg Pirker (eds.) STEPS -Survival Toolkit for EDC in Post-factual Societies. STEPS project,, p.93f. [»] |
Scherz, Antoinette; Welge, Rebecca (2015). Union Citizenship Revisited: Multilateral Democracy as Normative Standard for European Citizenship, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 41(8): 1254-1275. [»] Vorstellung des Artikels in CIS News Migration and Multiculturalism 2015 (No.25): 19 [»] |
Welge, Rebecca (2015). Union citizenship as demoi-cratic institution: increasing the EU's subjective legitimacy through supranational citizenship?, Journal of European Public Policy 22 (1): 56-74. [»] |
Welge, Rebecca (2014). Normative standards for citizenship in multilevel systems and the empirical outcomes in the European Union, NCCR Democracy Working Paper Series No 63. [»] |
Welge, Rebecca; Kubitschko Sebastian (2011): Mobility and the Quest(ion) of Legitimacy, Open Citizenship, Issue 2: 77-82. [»] |
Konferenzbeiträge |
Welge, Rebecca (2022). 'Commitment to peace and human rights: games, insights from a field worker', Workshop Contributor, RECI thematic day 2022, Reframing Education for a Sustainable World: How to Support Teachers and Learners as Agents of Change to Achieve SDG 4.7?, Berne (CH), 16 November 2022. |
Welge, Rebecca (2022). 'Der Blick über den Tellerrand: Integrierte Perspektiven der politischen Bildung', Readerbeitrag & Input, Fachtagung Haus am Maiberg Nur noch schnell die politische Bildung retten…?!, Heppenheim (D), 10-11 October 2022. |
Welge, Rebecca (2021). 'Game-Based-Learning in EDC/HRE, Analog and Digital Games about-for-through diversity, democracy and human rights', ifA 2021 CCI programme, Workshop Session, Online, 28 September 2021. |
Welge, Rebecca (2021). 'Methods to strengthen democratic culture in the field of Social Work', International Workshop, REDE - Resilience Through Education for Democratic Citizenship, Online, 27 April 2021. |
Welge, Rebecca (2018). 'Education About, For, and Through Democracy', Workshop Session and Input. SemiFit for HRE, Almuñécar, Spain, 1-6 December 2018. |
Welge, Rebecca (2016). Rapporteuring. Panel discussion and Workshop: Educating for Engagement, Civic Education Conference (CEC), Tunisia, 13-15 May 2016. |
Welge, Rebecca (2014). ‘EU Citizenship Statuses and Political Membership: Increasing citizens’ perceptions of efficacy and satisfaction with democracy through European Citizenship?’, 23rd IPSA World Congress of Political Science, Montréal; Québec, Canada, 19-24 Juli 2014. |
Welge, Rebecca (2013). ‘Multilevel Citizenship and Democracy’, Memo to be discussed at the workshop Understanding the EU and its Crisis through the Lens of Demoicracy: A Conversation, NYU Law School, 7-9 März 2013. |
Welge, Rebecca (2011). ‘Chances and Challenges of EU Citizenship Rights’, paper presented at the ECPR General Conference 2011, Reykjavik (Iceland), 25-27 August 2011. |
Welge, Rebecca (2011). ‘Making the most out of it? Chances and Challenges of EU Citizenship Rights.’ Paper presented at the 13th Children’s Identity & Citizenship in Europe Annual Conference (CiCe), 9-11 June 2011, Dublin. |
Welge, Rebecca (2011). ‘All Equal – All Different?’, paper presented at the 6th Global Conference Pluralism, Inclusion, and Citizenship. A Diversity Recognition Project, Prag (Czech Republic), 11 – 13 März 2011. |